Vic Spindler-Fox

Vic is a tenth-generation land steward and plant lover from East Tennessee. They studied Environmental Studies at Oberlin College, where they worked on the campus organic farm and as a storytelling instructor. They spent the next few years working in habitat restoration, horticulture, botany and field trials, and developed a passion for environmental research support in a multitude of contexts and biomes.

More recently, Vic worked with the National Ecological Observatory Network and Our-Sci, two organizations focused on building open, accessible environmental data infrastructure that can operate at a range of functional scales. As the Support and Maintenance Tech Coordinator for OpenTEAM, Vic is excited to dig deeper into issues of community interoperability and integration, building shared tools & vocabularies to solve huge problems together.

When not working, Vic loves foraging, mending, textile projects, making friends, hiking with family, and talking about climate grief.

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