Robin Kerber

I was born in Freeport and grew up in a bed and breakfast run by my family, before we moved to the ocean just down the road from the farm! After graduating from The Culinary Institute of America, and Drexel University, I joined the flocks of beaten down city dwellers and folks from afar and migrated back to Maine in search of one thing: a forgotten life where simplicity and kind, hardworking people have created a community with little room for contemporary distractions. In 2014, I came home to Maine because the mountains, the sea, the pastures, and the life I have always wanted to live were calling me. Going back to the land meant going back to Maine, and eventually it meant going back to Wolfe’s Neck.

Before starting to work with the events, I worked with the dairy program and fell in love with cows! I am grateful that my job at the farm combines my love for cooking, organizing events that highlight the abundant resources of the farm, and I still get to hang out with calves on my lunch break!

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