Raise Your Own Roasting Chickens!

Raise Your Own Roasting Chickens!

Please note:  This post refers to a class that occurred in 2013.

Raise Your Own Roasting Chickens!

I’m so excited about our upcoming series of classes about raising and processing meat chickens. The first one is coming up on June 8th, 2013!

The chickens are out on pasture right now, eating up grass and bugs and greening the grass behind them. Our new chicken tractors have been working out so well, they’re light enough that our farm school campers can move them easily on their own. Everyone has had a hand in raising these handsome and healthy birds!

Side note on why I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to co-facilitate this course:

I was a vegetarian for ten years. I started eating meat while working on a farm in Oregon that raised this same variety of chickens on a similar pastured system. We’d gather with local community members on Saturday’s to harvest and process the birds.

After being a part of the process from day one to dinner time, and experiencing how conscientiously and respectfully the farmers and I raised, killed and cleaned the birds, I was proud to be eating the meat we produced.  And after seeing how much of a community can be formed around education and family farming I became excited about paying it forward, helping to pass these skills on, and facilitating safe and empowering experiences for other folks who are intrigued or excited about raising meat.

So, this course is a great way to explore not just raising roasting chickens, but your relationship to your food. And besides… who doesn’t want to build a chicken tractor?

If you’re anywhere from hesitantly curious to eager about growing chicken, you should head on over to our website [click here for full class descriptions] and register for any one of the classes.

It’s almost summer…  it’s time for chicken enchiladas!

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