Giving to Wolfe’s Neck Center via your will or trust is straightforward. Simply specify a set dollar amount, a certain percentage of your overall estate, or list specific assets that you would lie to bequest to the farm. If you already have a will or revocable trust, your attorney can draft a codicil to your will or an amendment to your trust agreement to add Wolfe’s Neck Center as a beneficiary.
Trusts accomplish important goals: protecting your family, expressing your charitable intentions, and maximizing tax savings. Your estate attorney can craft an arrangement through your trust to benefit Wolfe’s Neck Center, while at the same time providing current income and tax savings to you or your family.
Designating a retirement asset to go to Wolfe’s Neck Center may be beneficial to your estate and easy to do. When you make a charitable nonprofit organization a direct beneficiary for all of a portion of your IRA or pension, there often is no income tax on the designated amount.
Life insurance policies are contracts that name one or more beneficiaries who will receive the policy’s value upon the death of the policy holder. If you designate Wolfe’s Neck Center as a beneficiary, the farm will receive the payout upon your death, and your estate will receive a charitable deduction.
If you are interested in receiving a tax deduction now, you can name Wolfe’s Neck Center as both the owner and the beneficiary of your policy; as you continue to pay future premiums, you may deduct those payments as charitable contributions as well.
Acceptance of personal property or asset may be considered in accordance with Wolfe’s Neck Center Gift Acceptance Policy. Real estate, securities, and private collections are examples of these types of gifts.
Please contact Jeannie Mattson, Development Director to discuss options and details in confidence. x110
Individual circumstances are unique and Wolfe’s Neck Center encourages individuals to seek professional legal and financial advice to determine which tools work best for you.
Contributions are tax deductible as provided by law. All donors receive a written acknowledgement of their gifts for tax records.
The USDA funding freeze is hitting Wolfe’s Neck Center hard. We are asking for your help to continue connecting people to agriculture and training the next generation of farmers.