Become an important driver in our mission to create a world where agriculture and food systems support farmer viability, thriving ecosystems, and vibrant communities.
We’ve heard a lot about your mission and work since we moved to Portland (now South Portland) two years ago, but have yet to visit! We plan to come visit for the first time as soon as possible in 2020. We were inspired to donate after reading about your Cows for Climate Change Research project. We’re also interested in volunteering for that project and around the farm in 2020.
– 2019 Donor
My kids have enjoyed Wolfe’s Neck vacation and summer camps for a few years running now, and we are just so impressed at the quality of the programs and education provided! They truly love every minute of their time at the farm – from the tractor wagon rides down to the shore, to getting to know the chickens, calves, goats, and farm cats, to trying new foods, and even to shoveling poop in the barn during chore time! We look forward to being connected with your organization for years to come. Thank you for your positive impact on our family, this beautiful coastal region, and the earth.
– 2019 Donor
Love your mission, love your beautiful location, love learning from you, love the opportunities it gives us with our grandchildren.
– 2019 Donor
I support Wolfe’s Neck Center because it is a local group nurturing the love of our Earth for children, as well as being active participants in figuring out ways to combat climate change. I also appreciate being able to visit the farm, walk the trails and enjoy the beauty it offers. Thank you.
– 2019 Donor
Wolfe’s Neck gives SO much to the education and understanding of food and it’s source to young and old. I wish I could visit more often. Thank you very much.
– 2019 Donor
‘It’s a sad time to be a farmer.’
The USDA funding freeze is hitting Wolfe’s Neck Center hard. We are asking for your help to continue connecting people to agriculture and training the next generation of farmers.