Author: Wolfes Neck

Readying the Fruit Trees for Winter
Signs of frost were a telltale indicator that it was time to prepare the gardens for colder months.
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Garden Talk by Linda Swanson
We would like to give a warm round of thanks to Linda Swanson for her many years of leadership, creativity and energy as Wolfe's Neck Farm's Head Gardener.
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Tom’s Talk
As summer winds to a close and cooler air moves in, farmers often admire their compost piles with steam rising off of them in the early hours of the morning.
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Tom’s Talk
With our sunflowers in full and magnificent bloom the hum of bees pollinating fills the garden. Pollination is a crucial step in the reproduction of the all angiosperms (flower bearing plants).
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Afternoon Goat Walk
Chomp, chomp, chomp! Mama Goat and her two kids went exploring the farm this afternoon, of course stopping for a few nibbles here and there.
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Chicken Tractors
Matt and I took a ride up to Augusta this winter to check out the Maine Agricultural Trades Show.
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Farmer Ben: “These Eggs are Duckin’ Fantastic!”
We got into the duck business last summer. We needed some cuteness around the barn I guess.
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Farmer Ben: “What’s a Cud? Something to Ruminate Upon”
What’s a Cud? Something to Ruminate Upon by Ben Jensen, Livestock Manager Have you ever heard the old bit about cows lying down before a storm? Well…it’s baloney. Cows do lay down A LOT, though, don’t they? Why? Why do you always see horses grazing and typically not laying around? I’m going to tell you … <a href="">Continued</a>
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Charlie DeGrandpre Honored with Public Service Award
In 2013 the Freeport Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors determined that it wanted to recognize an extraordinary individual who has contributed to both the business and social community of Freeport.
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Garden Talk by Linda Swanson
This Farm is BLESSED! We have a great crew of volunteers lined up for taking care of our flower gardens for this coming summer, 2015.
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